Book, Literary work, Theory of Watchmaking, 368 watchmaking pages

Theory of Watchmaking

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Discover "THEORY OF WATCHMAKING," an essential book for watch enthusiasts and professionals. This book covers the comprehensive knowledge required in the watchmaking industry, vital for any young professional.

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"THEORY OF WATCHMAKING" is a book that presents all the knowledge used in the watchmaking industry, which every young professional must possess. Watch enthusiasts and professionals eager to progress will find answers to many questions in this edition.

1 The Concept of Time
1.1 Man and the Measurement of Time
1.2 Some Definitions
1.3 Some Astronomical Concepts
1.4 The Determination of Time
1.5 Time Zones
1.6 The Calendar
1.7 Earth Coordinates
2 Time Measurement Instruments
2.1 Solar Instruments
2.2 Flow Instruments
2.3 History of Mechanical Timepieces
2.4 History of Electrical and Electronic Timepieces
2.5 Functional Diagram of Timepieces
2.6 Different Types of Watches
3 The Simple Mechanical Movement
3.1 Generalities
3.2 The Movement
4 The Power Source of the Mechanical Watch
4.1 Generalities
4.2 The Barrel and its Spring
5 Gear Transmission Mechanisms
5.1 Generalities
5.2 Gear Calculation Relationships
5.3 Gear Trains
5.4 Winding Gear
5.5 Time Setting Gear and Time Adjustment
5.6 Time Gear
5.7 Counting Gear
5.8 Standards and Dimensions
5.9 Finding a Lost Gear
5.10 Force Transmission in Gears
5.11 Gear Inspection Methods
5.12 Gear Defects
6 The Escapements
6.1 Generalities
6.2 Components of the Swiss Lever Escapement
6.3 Functions of the Swiss Lever Escapement
6.4 Function Control
6.5 Mixed Drawing
6.6 Power to the Escape Wheel
6.7 Some Other Escapements
7 Regulation Mechanisms
7.1 Generalities
7.2 The Pendulum
7.3 The Balance-Spring System
7.4 The Balance Wheel
7.5 The Hairspring
7.6 The Collet
7.7 The Stud
7.8 The Regulator
7.9 Pairing of Balance Wheel and Hairspring
7.10 Disturbing Factors
7.11 Adjustment
7.12 Rotating Regulation Systems
8 Automatic Mechanisms
9 Calendar Mechanisms
10 Striking Mechanisms
11 Chronograph Mechanisms
12 Watch Case
13 Tribology
14 Clocks
15 The Electronic Watch + Exercises

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