Watch Stand - WS01 - Robotoys


189,00 €

Explore the Watch Stand - WS01 - Robotoys, an original creation by Korean artist Mr. Y.N. Choi. This robotic stand, blending copper wire and acrylic, offers a stylish and playful presentation of your watch.

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The Watch Stand - WS01 - Robotoys, designed by Korean artist Mr. Y.N. Choi, renowned for his "steampunk" style, combines functionality with an original design.Made from copper wire, metal, and acrylic, this robotic stand is full of character.

The articulated arms, hands, and legs of this robot allow for full customization of its pose, adding a playful touch to its use.

Ideal for gadget lovers and watch enthusiasts, this stand will certainly draw attention while keeping your watch secure.

Measuring 140 mm in height, it also features a high-density foam pad to protect your watch from scratches.